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Swimify Coach app - New version release v 1.2.3 - Uutiset / Releases - Swimify Help Center

huhtik. 5 2024

Swimify Coach app - New version release v 1.2.3

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We are happy to announce the release of a new update for our Coach app! Available now in Google Play and Apple App Store.

The latest version introduces new features mostly regarding how to gain access to competitions as coach.

New Features

✨Added new invite system for coaches

Through the new Swimify Admin site it is now possible to invite all connected coaches to a club. In the Coach app you can find all your invites and accept the invites to the competition where you need access.

✨Added option to request access to competitions

If your club has entries in a competition you can now, as a club coach, request access to competitions and gain access to the competition and your club entries. It is a two part request system, where the competition administrator has to accept your request in Swimify Admin, before you can access everything.

✨Interactive guide on how to use the app

Learn more on how to use the app with the new interactive onboarding and guide. Need to refresh your memory? Open the guide again by clicking the link in your profile.

✨New user action log

Keep track of all your club’s edits in the new log. See who has done a scratch or when, and see any changes made to relay team order.

✨Added different locktimes for relay changes and withdrawals from events

It is now possible for the competition management to have one locktime for relay team changes and withdrawals. Only available with newer versions of Swimify Meet Manager.



🐛Change the name of Withdrawals to Scratch.

🐛Fix a few bugs with locktimes not working correctly and locking events at wrong times.

🐛Fix some usability issues that made it difficult to use the app. Such as the screen moving around when writing in text fields, or making it possible to click on swimmers to open swipe menu.


Minor design fixes


🐛Fix touchability on swipe buttons, making it easier to click on scratch button