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New version 2.11.8908.21532 of Swimify Meet Manager and Swimify Timekeeping released - Uutiset / General - Swimify Help Center

toukok. 22 2024

New version 2.11.8908.21532 of Swimify Meet Manager and Swimify Timekeeping released

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A new version, v2.11.8908.21532, of Swimify Meet Manager has been released. We have added a new seeding type to seed finals with two heats per age group (A and B finals).

We have also added the option to manually add points to clubs in the rank point lists. This is useful if you for example want to do a summary of clubs points from two different competitions.

We have also released a new version of Swimify Timekeeping where we have added an option to send disqualifications received immediately to the scoreboards.