Dear WinGrodan user,
Over time, you may have noticed and possibly even explored our latest livetiming solution, now formally known as Swimify. Swimify represents a leap forward in enhancing user experiences by delivering richer information and leveraging the latest technology. This evolution not only improves the present experience but also paves the way for future feature enhancements.
In an era of dynamic growth, WinGrodan is expanding its horizons on a global scale. Numerous countries have enthusiastically embraced our platform, with many more expressing keen interest. To consolidate our presence and streamline our brand for international audiences, we've decided to rebrand WinGrodan as Swimify.
Consequently, we're excited to announce the renaming of all our programs from WinGrodan to Swimify. This transition entails the uninstallation of existing PC programs such as WinGrodan 2 Admin, Timekeeping, and CIS, and their seamless replacement with Swimify Meet Manager, Swimify Timekeeping, and Swimify Announcer.
WinGrodan 2 becomes Swimify Meet Manager
Timekeeping becomes Swimify Timekeeping
CIS becomes Swimify Announcer
We plan to terminate the possibilities to create competitions and to upload information to the old LiveTiming,, starting from autumn 2024. You will still be able to see all the old results on after the change.
We have transferred all our users to our new support page. Here we will publish all the news updates, downloads, as well as support articles on how all parts of Swimify are used.
Here you can create support tickets if there is anything you need help with. It is also possible to email support on
 Swimify Admin
Our new website for administrating and creating competitions for Swimify LiveTiming is (for competitions NOT in Australia/New Zealand) or (for competitions in Australia/New Zealand).
Here you can, among other things, easily invite coaches to use the coach app. Every club that has a Swimify license has been registered for their club with the email found on our support website. If you already have an account on Swimify, your user has been linked as a Club Admin on Swimify Admin. If you do not have an account yet but create one with the e-mail registered on our support website, you will automatically be connected as Club Admin to your club when you create your account at or (Australia/New Zealand).
A guide on how to use Swimify Admin is available here: Swimify Admin Web
A new feature in the new Coach app is that coaches get their individual login which they can use in all competitions. There is no longer a need to get a separate unique code for each competition. Instead, their user account gets connected to the competition in Swimify Admin.
Coaches can get access to competitions in three ways:
Get an invitation to a competition where your club has swimmers entered by the competition organizer, and accept the invitation.
Find a competition where your club has swimmers entered by using the search function in the Coach app and send an invitation request. The competition organizer must accept your request before you get coach access to that competition.
Manually get added by the competition organizer in Swimify Admin.
For way 1 or way 2 to work, you must first be added as a coach in your club in Swimify Admin.
Read more about how to invite coaches here: Invite coaches to your competition & Get access to competitions
Swimify Meet Manager
During a transition period you will be able to show and send information to both as well as If you want to use both as well as tick the box “Use & Swimify” and enter your LiveTiming password.
CAUTION! If the competition is held after September 1st, 2024, it must be ordered and executed via the Swimify platform.
If you only want to use, tick the box “Use only Swimify” and enter your Swimify competition code, which you can find on or (Australia/New Zealand) after you have created the competition there.
Result groups
Result groups is a new feature in Swimify Meet Manager that is used to give more result list options. Normal competitions will probably not need to make any custom result groups (you can use total result lists or age group result lists). But sometimes you may need to make special rules for result lists that are only possible in the new result groups feature.
Result groups are used to group results in a certain event and round by applying different filter rules to the swimmers that compete in this event. For example, you can make a result group that only contains swimmers from a certain country, only include swimmers that have a certain custom text field or create separate result lists for para swimmers when they swim together with non-para swimmers. You can also choose if you want the result group to be sorted by rank or by swimmer's name, when you print or publish the result list on Swimify LiveTiming.
The results groups you create will be visible on Swimify Livetiming under Summary for each event:
Read more about result groups in Swimify Meet Manager here: Managing result groups
Swimify LiveTiming has already been up and running for some time and many clubs have already used it. We develop both the site and the smart phone app continuously. If you use the Swimify LiveTiming App, you will get access to more features, such as saving swimmers as favorites in order to get notifications for new heatlists and results conserning that swimmer. Another new feature in the lates version is that competitior lists are displayed by age groups.
Swimify Coach App
Now all coaches have their own Swimify user accout. With the updated Swimify Coach App coaches no longer need to get a unique code for each competition. Instead, coaches get their own individual login which they can use in all competitions as their account gets connected to the competition in Swimify Admin by the competition organizer.
After feedback from our users, we have improved the usability of the app by adding click functionality to each row as only having a swiping functionality was not clear enough. Now you click or swipe to open the scratching option.
The old will officially expire after the summer 2024 and will no longer be maintained.
Read more about the Coach app here: Introduction (Swimify Coach app)
Swimify Referee App
In the Swmify Referee app a “thumbs up” action is made on heats, disqualifications, changes of swimmer on lane by the main referee during a competition. The information is transferred and saved in real time to Swimify Meet Manager and in turn gets displayed on LiveTiming, result lists etc.
In relays you can also see the takeoff times in the app.
Read more about the Swimify Referee App here: Log in (Swimify Referee App)
IC Control Sport & Media AB
Swimify development team