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Swimify Timekeeping changelog

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Swimify Timekeeping changelog


IMPORTANT: WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping has been renamed to Swimify Timekeeping!

Created 2024-05-22

  • Added option in settings window to select if you want incoming disqualifications to be sent to scoreboard immedaitely or not.
  • Added code to undo disqualifications if a disqualification has been reverted in Quantum.
  • Make sure to save the results before program is trying to calculate the final result for the lane to fix bug where sometimes the final result would not be the last split time.
  • Make sure to reload the heat and lane from the database when receiving a new time from Quantum.
  • Heat status for the current heat is now set to Inputting when the program receives a start signal.



Created 2024-05-15

  • Improved how fast live data is sent from Swimify Timekeeping to Announcer videoboard and Sport In The Box 2.
  • A loading window is now shown when opening the settings window since it can take time to load all the available serial ports.
  • Fix bug when closing the program by using the exit button in the menu.
  • Fix various other small bugs.



Created 2024-05-08

  • Updated connection to Quantum Swimify TCP protocol so it is better at trying to reconnect to Quantum in case it somehow loses connection.
  • Optimized code to retrieve serial ports to make it a little faster to open the settings window.
  • Remove running time stutter that could happen every few seconds when using Quantum Swimify TCP connection.
  • Make sure to update ranks in current heat properly.
  • Make sure to get all fresh data from database when calculating ranks.
  • Changed the way Swimify LiveTiming updates are generated.



Created 2024-04-05

  • Fix bug when calculating heat rank.



Created 2024-04-02

  • WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping has been renamed to Swimify Timekeeping and has new desktop icon in Windows. The following things has changed during the name change:
    • New name Swimify Timekeeping instead of WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping
    • Program icon has changed.
    • Installation filder has changed from "WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping" to "Swimify Timekeeping".
    • Folder for log files has changed.
  • Add test race to Quantum Swimify when requesting events from Quantum.
  • Backup times are now saved in database when reading times from Quantum. Must use either Swimify Quantum timekeeping protocol or Quantum OSM6 DH protocol. You must also make sure you enable backup buttons in Quantum.
  • Now sends point information data for each lane to Sport In The Box 2 to calculate points on the fly.



Created 2024-01-25

  • The selection of which field to send to ARES/Quantum instead of nation code when exporting events has been moved to settings window instead of showing up every time you export events.
  • When events are sent to Quantum using the new Swimify TCP protocol it will now use the setting mentioned above and send selected field instead of nation code. This will make it so it says the proper club short name instead of the nation code if you so choose.
  • Added better logging if you are using ICCMS Colorado Gen7 converter.



Created 2023-11-01

  • Renamed FINA points to AQUA points according to information from World Aquatics.
  • Fix bug when clicking on Confirm heat before pressing Enter key when manually editing the result time in the grid.
  • Program settings are now backed up when starting and closing the program.
  • Made some small optimizations.



Created 2023-09-25

  • Make sure to send correct para code for swimmers in the live data.



Created 2023-08-28

  • Updated swedish manual.
  • Added english manual as PDF file. To open the manual you select Help in the menu.



Created 2023-08-15

  • Updated translated texts.



Created 2023-07-12

  • Fix bugs in Quantum Swimify protocol. Important note: You need an updated version of the Quantum software to use this!
  • Make sure to save take over time from Alge TMS protocol.



Created 2023-06-08

  • Added new timekeeping type called Quantum Swimify TCP that uses network to read timekeeping data instead of using a serial cable. Important note: You need an updated version of the Quantum software to use this!
  • Redesigned timekeeping window to make it easier to see if the timekeeping connection is open or not.
  • Added reaction time to Alge TMS protocol.
  • Added english manual for WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping.
  • Updated translations.



Created 2022-12-08

  • Fixed bug when receiving reaction times for lane 10 in OSM6 timekeeping protocol.
  • Fix bug when preparing current heat for Swimify.



Created 2022-10-11

  • Fix bug with test race when using lanes 1-10 with OSM6 timekeeping protocol. Previously times on lane 10 would not be shown in the test race grid.



Created 2022-10-05

  • Updated internal components.
  • Installation file now also show a Launch button when the installation is done if user wants to start the program again.



Created 2022-09-13

  • Added more fields to the Live data protocol that is sent to external programs (CIS and Sport In The Box 2).
  • Changed the way the the program is checking if database is online so it does not use ICMP ping messages since these can be blocked by firewalls.
  • If user manually choose to confirm the heat it will now also check to see if a record has been broken. Note: It will not make this check if the heat is set to confirmed by external timekeeping system like Ares or Quantum.
  • Updated internal components to handle new event type.



Created 2022-07-06

  • Updated data components
  • Make sure to reset the current heat value when program is closed.
  • Fix bug in FINA point calculation for mixed relays



Created 2022-03-31

  • Removed database status text "Connected" since a lot of people misunderstood this text for being connected to timekeeping system instead of being connected to database.
  • Para-class is now sent instead of number in the LiveData used by WG2 CIS and Sport In The Box 2.
  • Updated third party components.
  • Make sure to calculate FINA points at finish when getting a new time from timekeeping system.
  • Added SortByFINA to event header in LiveData.
  • Fix bug to send correct FINA class if the event is using type Unknown.



Created 2022-03-01

  • Added support to not calculate age group ranks for the age groups that has setting to sort result lists alphabetically.
  • When correcting the number of splits in the WinGrodan 2 Admin software for the current heat this program will now properly detect this change and adjust the number of splits.



Created 2022-01-19

  • When setting a heat status to Confirmed it will now always calculate age group ranks even if there is only one age group.
  • Updated live data protocol sent to CIS and SITB2.



Created 2021-11-18

  • Fix bug in Alge timekeeping where there could be two zeroes in the rank field.
  • Fixed a few other small bugs.



Created 2021-10-20

  • Added button to open a test race in WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping so it is possible to test timekeeping system and scoreboards before you have seeded an event.
  • Moved log window for timekeeping and livetiming into the menu instead of always being visible in the button bar
  • Updated Devexpress to v21.1.6
  • WinGrodan 2 has been updated to .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Updated Swedish manual
  • Updated Danish language
  • Updated Finnish language
  • Updated Faroe Island language



Created 2021-06-02

IMPORTANT: If you update to this version of WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping then you must also upgrade WinGrodan 2 Admin and WinGrodan 2 CIS to the latest version v2.8 on all your computers.

  • Added so it is now possible to have overlapping age groups and swimmers can be in several different age groups in the same event and still get correct rank.
  • When creating the LST files for Ares/Quantum you will now get a choice if you want club short name, club long name, nation name or nation code as club/nation field in ARES/Quantum.
  • Running time can now be more than 1 hour.
  • Fixed typo where DSF was sent to the live data instead of DNF.



Created 2021-02-15

Please make sure you also update WinGrodan 2 Admin and WinGrodan 2 CIS to the latest version.

  • Updated component files.



Created 2021-01-25

  • Added Finnish translation to program.
  • DSQ/DNF is now only sent out on live data (WinGrodan 2 CIS, Sport In The Box 2) if heat is official.
  • Live data will now correctly send if time is split time or finish time when editing a split time manually in Timekeeping.
  • Force Timekeeping to use protocol 1 from now on since the new WinGrodan 2 CIS templates and Sport In The Box 2 requires it.



Created 2020-08-19

  • Program will now show better error messages when it fails to activate a license.



Created 2020-04-15

  • Removed next and previous heats from unused database table to lower the usage of the database.
  • Made the tool tip for connected computers wider to make sure that no text is cropped.
  • Updated some third party controls and components.



Created 2020-02-04

  • Running time and live timekeeping data is now sent using a more reliable way. Now you should not have to enable Jumbo frames in your network card.
  • WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping will now send data using the new protocol version 1 instead of older version 0 as default.
  • Added translation from Faroe Islands.
  • LiveTiming data is now sent immediately when opening a heat for the first time after starting the program. The LiveTiming data for other heats will be sent when the running time starts to keep the previous heat results visible for as long as possible.
  • It is now no longer possible for the user to sort or filter the grid with heats.
  • Removed the question if you want to confirm the heat when you change the heat manually.
  • If you set a relay to DNF you can now also select which swimmer that did not finish.
  • Database connection will now try to reconnect better if network connection is temporary lost.



Created 2019-12-10

  • When getting a new time in UNT4 protocol and the time is within 2 seconds of the previous time on that lane then we just replace the existing time instead of saving the time as a new split time.
  • Fixed bug in UNT4 protocol when reading backup times from Quantum.
  • You can now change heat even if autofollow is enabled without first disabling the autofollow.
  • Fixed bug in Alge and Alge Swim 2000 TMS protocols.
  • Updated Live communication protocol version 1.
  • Fixed bug in Timekeeping when clicking the Next hat button it would send heat data before the question if you want to confirm the heat or not.



Created 2019-11-14

  • Fixed bug where manual would not open when language is selected to Danish.



Created 2019-10-14

  • When sending the current heat data to LiveTiming it will now not send if swimmer has status DSQ or DNF until the heat has been confirmed.
  • Added option in settings to sort the grid with lanes in descending order (8 to 1) instead of ascending order (1 to 8)
  • The running time will now not reset when using Quantum OSM6 DH timekeeping after first turn. On some Quantum units it seems to be sending the message Ready For Start even when a race is ongoing.



Created 2019-09-25

  • Added Grodan ATU timekeeping unit as an option for timekeeping.
  • Moved the button to reset ATU-X unit so it is not so close to the "Connect to timekeeping"-button.
  • When clearing heat it will now also clear DNF, DSQ, WPS Points and relay swimmer DSQ number.
  • When using ARES/Quantum OSM6 DH protocol it will now save the last 10 starts even if you close and restart the program.
  • Added better error handling.



Created 2019-06-05

  • Added more danish texts.
  • Added Grodan ATU as timekeeping system.
  • When creating LST files to ARES/Quantum the program will now do an extra check if a competitor is missing club.
  • Added support to calculate youth WPS points for para-swimmers. The setting to use youth WPS points is selected in the Admin-program.



Created 2019-04-29

  • Make sure that the split grid is sorted in the correct order.
  • Moved initial position of the split control in timekeeping window to fit 10 lanes.
  • Removed club long name from XML live data to make package smaller and not require jumbo frames in network card settings.



Created 2019-03-26

  • Fixed bug if a swimmer in a heat was not connected to a club.



Created 2019-03-06

  • Added Omega Powertime as timekeeping option in the timekeeping settings window.
  • Added swimmed distance for each lane to the timekeeping grid.
  • Added option to send live data to other computers using new protocol in preparation for better integration with Sport In The Box. Default is to still use old protocol (version 0).
  • Fixed bug in timekeeping where you could get an error message if you somehow had heats that were not connected to a round/event.
  • The splitter position between the lanes grid and the splits grid is now saved until you close the program.
  • Make sure to stop the running time when you open a new database.



Created 2019-03-01

  • Fixed bug where an error message could show when you received running time and LiveTiming was activated.



Created 2019-02-18

  • Added support for Masters events.



Created 2019-01-24

  • Added new manual for the WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping program
  • Added ICCMS Colorado Gen7 converter box as timekeeping unit. You must have the ICCMS Converter box for this to work with Colorado Gen7 timekeeping system.
  • Fixed bug where an empty lane could get heat rank even if it did not have a swimmer.
  • Fixed so that if quantum or ARES is set to use touchpads in both ends but WG2 is set to only use it at one end. The split times will be wrong but the final time will be correct.
  • Added records to the grid that is sent to LiveTiming for the current heat.
  • Removed some timekeeping settings that were unnecessary.
  • Updated database drivers.



Created 2018-11-20

  • Fixed bug that prevented ATU-X timekeeping system from working properly in WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping.
  • Added support for new SuperLive version. Make sure you download and install the latest SuperLive version if you want to use SuperLive with WinGrodan 2!
  • Records are now included in the timekeeping data sent to the other programs.
  • Event number and round number are now included in the timekeeping data sent to other programs.
  • When opening a heat from the heat list it will now not select the next heat in the list.



Created 2018-10-04

  • Fixed so that the running time is reset before we show the official heat result from timekeeping. This is necessary for SuperLive to work.
  • The button Next Heat should now work more reliably.
  • When opening a new heat in Timekeeping will now wait to send the new heat to LiveTiming until the heat has started. This is done so that the LiveTiming viewers get more time to see the results of the previous heat.
  • When using Colorado as timekeeping system it should now display the proper rank 10 instead of : as rank on the scoreboard.
  • Fixed bug when exporting events to ARES that caused the sorting of events to be wrong.



Created 2018-09-10

  • Added autoupdates to program